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(ASA-HS-1A) The AirClassics Headset – good communications are essential. The HS-1A delivers clear, natural sound coupled with quality components at a Now with New Flex Boom Microphone!Good communications are essential for a successful flight. ASA provides this in the HS-1A with the most advanced Passive aviation headset with stereo volume and flex boom mic.Reviews of AirClassics HS-1A Headset by ASA ASA-HS-1A - Communicate with advanced technology, maximum comfort, sleek look, and a Lifetime Warranty — all for ASA AirClassics HS1A Headset. Model: ASAHS1. ASA AirClassics HS-1a Headset Now with New Flex Boom! ASA AirClassics HS-1A Headset This basic headset is perfect for the beginning student pilot. With a noise reduction rating (NRR) of 23 dB and an electret, ASA AIRCLASSICS HS-1A HEADSET WITH NEW FLEX BOOM Good communications are essential for successful flight. ASA provides this in the HS-1 with the most Aviation Headset review of the ASA HS-1A. This is a good quality, inexpensive aircraft headset. Airport Few entry-level headsets can match the price, durability, quality trifecta as well as ASA's AirClassics HS-1A Headset. This venerable model has been updated Product, Manual Files. AirClassics HS-1A Headset · Features · Communications Trainer: Say Again, Please · Operating Manual. CX-1, Operating Manual.
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